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What Your Catsultation Involves

Observing cats in their environment and identifying any possible stressors or triggers are important in resolving cat behavior problems.  Before the end of your Catsultation, you will have a customized treatment plan and an understanding of the action items necessary to begin resolving your behavior problem(s). All Catsultations include the following.

Your Catsultation will be designed to meet your needs. You will gain a much deeper understanding of your cat(s) and receive an action plan to resolve their frustrating, costly behavior problems. Get started now.

In-Home Catsultation

90-minute appointment $350 / 1-2 cat households with one behavior issue
120-minute appointment $395 / multi-cat (2+) households with multiple issues

Above pricing is based on your location being within 25 miles of Dallas, TX. Travel fees will apply for locations over 25 miles from Dallas.

Phone/Skype/Facetime Catsultation

90 minute call $295 / 4 weeks free follow up by phone, text, or email
120 minute call $345 / 4 weeks free follow up by phone, text, or email

If additional time is needed or you choose to have additional time at your appointment, it is billed in 30-minute increments at $50

Check, cash or credit card payment is required at the time of your in-home Catsultation. Phone/Skype Catsultations must be paid in advance by credit card, check or money order.

* Due to the complexities and extra time it may take to resolve some cat behavior problems, you may extend your 4 weeks of support and access to me, included in your Catsultation fee, for an additional 2 weeks for $60.